Today, my journalism student Tomás Martínez Guerra won First Place for Best News Story at the Illinois Community College Journalism Association (ICCJA) spring conference. Click on the picture (above) to see his winning story, "12 million shadows in limbo: Elvira Arellano and the immigration debate," as originally published in Truman's Uptown Exchange (Spring 2007).
Professional judges commented that the story included a "Nice focus on the personal story as a springboard into coverage of the larger issue ... Very well written, cleanly edited."
Of course I'm proud of this award.
Tomás originally workshopped this story in my News Reporting & Writing class and published it under my advisement in College Newspaper. He won 1st place in ICCJA's Division II, "Tri-Weeklies/Monthlies over 5,000 [student population]," which includes such competitor schools as Wright College and Harold Washington College.
This was the newspaper's first chance to enter the contest, and I look forward to more awards for our hard work at future journalism conferences! Please join me in congratulating Truman's students, journalism program, and college newspaper.
Posted by Benjamin at April 11, 2008 06:49 PM