The Truman College student ReelActivists doc-film group welcomes the general public to a free series of movies every Wednesday, through August 24, in the campus Student Lounge at 12:30pm.
Following each screening is an informal discussion on issues from the film.
The Corporation--25 International & 10 intl Audience Choice Awards
Explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, illuminates the corporation's grip on our lives. Taking its legal status as a "person" to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" Includes forty interviews with corporate insiders and critics -including Milton Friedman, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Michael Moore -plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change. Run Time: 145min
Dwarfs: Not a Fairy Tale--Emmy nominee
Reveals the realities of dwarfism through five personal stories and dispels many of the misconceptions about little people by exploring the effects of family, culture and medical advances in their lives. The film proves that being different does not affect the potential for happiness or success. Run Time: 54min
Cleavage--A&E Award
Cleavage is an uplifting and informative journey to the most eye-catching destination on earth: The space between a woman's breasts. Cleavage is what happens when breasts collide--a merger that at once fascinates, scandalizes, and mesmerizes. Cleavage makes movie & pop stars, enriches surgeons, tempts politicians, and dominates fashion. Run Time: 100min
SuperSize Me ---Oscar Nominee 2005, Winner of 6 major festivals for Best Doc
Super Size Me, covers a 30-day binge of McDonald’s consumption by one courageous filmmaker. Peppered through are interviews from the Surgeon General to gym teachers, cooks to kids, lawmakers to legislators, who share their research, opinions and "gut feelings" on our ever-expanding girth. Run Time: 100min
Hatemongers--Filmmakers Trophy Award
Rev. Phelps and his band of devotees gained national notoriety when they picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, the 21-year-old gay University of Wyoming student who was beaten to death in Colorado in 1998.Hatemongers examines the true story of Fred Phelps and his relentless 55-year campaign against homosexuality. Run Time: 100min
See the ReelActivists web site.