News Reporting & Writing and Truman’s Uptown Exchange student newspaper at Truman College welcome you to chat with professional journalists on a variety of topics, including how to pursue stories for publication and broadcast. Join high-caliber reporters visiting our school to share with the next generation of journalists-in-training.
Café Magazine editor-in-chief Alejandro Riera (above) speaks on March 18th about the magazine biz and magazine-style journalism.

Discussions take place in Room #2961 of Truman College (1145 W. Wilson, Uptown, Chicago), at 11:40 a.m.
THURSDAY 3/4 — Since 1990, GREG KOT has been chief music critic at the Chicago Tribune, where he comprehensively covers popular music and reports on music-related social, political, and business issues. In addition to radio-show and book projects, Kot has article credits in Rolling Stone, Details, Vibe, and many other publications. He will talk about A&E writing, blogging, and broadcasting.
THURSDAY 3/11 — Publisher of Gay Chicago Magazine, CRAIG GERNHARDT speaks about the biz and new media of journalism, including his work as an on-the-ground neighborhood journalist-blogger in Rogers Park.
THURSDAY 3/18 — A seasoned, award-winning writer with numerous credits in local Hispanic media, ALEJANDRO RIERA joined ¡Éxito!, the Chicago Tribune’s Spanish-language weekly, as a full-time reporter in 1995 and later was involved in its transition into Hoy, a daily newspaper. Now leading Café Latino Lifestyle Magazine, Riera visits Truman to talk about Latino media, the magazine business, and new media developments.
THURSDAY 3/25 — LORRAINE SWANSON is the publisher and sole creator of, an online community newspaper serving Chicago’s Far North Side neighborhoods. Swanson is a veteran community news journalist and the former editor of Chicago Journal News-Star. She has worked for the storied Lerner Newspaper chain, Pioneer Press, and Daily Herald. Swanson is committed to covering local stories often overlooked by the city’s major dailies.
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TUESDAY 4/6 — Truman Communications faculty ROBERT HUGHES has had a distinguished teaching career notable also for his publishing of a book-length memoir and regular contributions to the Chicago Tribune, WBEZ’s “848,” and the “My Turn” section of Newsweek. Hughes will talk about how he started writing and how he now teaches students to become perspective writers.
TUESDAY 4/20 — Staff writer for the Chicago Reader, BEN JORAVSKY has written about neighborhood news for decades and currently pens a column called “The Works” every week about the machinery of Chicago politics. Author of four books, including Hoop Dreams, Joravsky will talk about writing for an alternative weekly and investigating your city.
THURSDAY 5/6 — Award-winning investigative reporter and Medill School of Journalism graduate JEFF KELLY LOWENSTEIN writes as a staffer for the Chicago Reporter and will talk to students about developing the instincts of an investigative reporter.
TUESDAY 5/11 — MARK GUARINO has covered everything from breaking news to politics to the world’s greatest bands. He is currently a staff writer for The Christian Science Monitor, covering the Midwest as well as national news and analysis. He’s also a freelancer for several publications and a prolific playwright. His full-length play, All the Fame of Lofty Deeds a collaboration with the Welsh-born punk musician and painter Jon Langford, received its world premiere by the House Theater of Chicago in November 2009.

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