Since its performance space opened in 1990, the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum has featured artists across the spectrum of time and tradition, from folkloric to avant-garde, through regular events and spring/fall festival series. This season’s ninth annual Del Corazón Mexican Performing Arts Festival features a diverse multimedia lineup, including a solid musical component with two Chicago debuts.

For the first time in these parts, celebrated Mexico chanteuse Jaramar visits on May 10 and 11 at 7 p.m., bringing Spanish Moor/Christian music and interpretations of poetry by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Nezahualcóyotl. Similarly, the spoken-word/jam troupe of California’s Taco Shop Poets pull double-duty for the Center and the Guild Complex’s “Musicality Of Poetry” series, on May 17 and 18 and 7 p.m. With contemporary groove/hip-hop style, these poets break down the fourth wall with confrontational verse culled from guerrilla performances at taquerías in their native San Diego and Tijuana.
Most Del Corazón events appear at the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum (1852 W. 19th Street, 312.738.1503), though the standout Los Angeles combo Quetzal will unleash a fiery mix of Mexicano, R&B, Afro-Caribbean, and Chicano folk-protest music at the HotHouse on Sunday, April 21, at 7 p.m.
April 2002, Illinois Entertainer

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